Blog Post Week 10

This week has been full of stress, from project, finals and deadlines. I went to Dreamy Catch Mountain with two other interns; Barierane and Nathan, Josh and Matt. We went out geocaching. At first I had no idea what that meant until Josh explained that it is kind of like treasure hunting. We downloaded an app on our phones and it tells you where some of the items are, so it is up to you to go up the mountain and explore it until you come along it. What is hidden is usually something really small that has been passed on from other people who have found it. You put something inside of it to leave and sign your name and date that you found it and then put it back so that other may find it too and repeat the process. We found one treasure put our names on it and then headed back. But during the hike Josh and Matt pointed out some information about the flowers, birds and what the algae on the rock represents. So throughout the hike we learned something new about everything.


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