Blog Post Week 6
This week in lab I finished all the NaCl samples that were run through the vacuum machine. I also ran them with hydrogen peroxide for at least 3 days so that it could get rid of all the nature particles that could be perhaps ruin the measuring at the end. Once all the samples were dried there were some that had sodium chloride attached to them, so because that could have been also a percent error when measuring the plastic I had to clean them and wash them off with DI water and run them through the vacuum machine again. In the process of doing that I ran out of the filters that are attached to the machine so I really only got done with half of the 30 samples. Matt will be ordering more filters the following week but mean while I will be getting the next samples ready that will be run with potassium carbonate. I will have to shred more plastic for all 30 samples again. I have finished collecting sediment and those will be distributed. Really wish we had one of these machines that could...