Blog Post Week 3

This week in lab what I will be working on is getting sample water from Tempe Town Lake and a
water canal that is two-three blocks away from me. While getting the sample water what I have been
working on is sanitizing the plastics 1-6 and the tea pods. I did this by putting 0.5 grams of SPI1-6 into
two different tea pods then I dipped the tea pods with the micro plastic into 100% isopropyl and
placed both of them onto different pans. After, both of the pans were put into the fume box to evaporate
the solution. While working on this I realized that I have run out of SPI 1 one and six, which means
we will have to grind some up, but thankfully it's not that much anymore. Other than that I should be
ready to put the tea pods into the water samples and detect it soon for bacteria. I will also be working
on my poster meanwhile.


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